Retrofit And Maintenance

Retrofitting And Maintenance: Solutions By Vega Composites

Future challenges are just around the corner. Are your antenna systems ready for the challenge?


Discover the Gruppo Pasquali Retrofit & Overhaul service.


With a heritage starting since 1958 and its full in-house Design & Development and Production & Test capabilities, Gruppo Pasquali is capable of taking on even the most challenging Retrofit & Overhaul projects.


Our Retrofit & Overhaul service covers the following fields of applications (Military and Civil):


  • RF passive components on ground, naval, and airborne systems.
  • Composite-made reflectors and radomes of ground, naval, and airborne systems.


Our Update & Maintenance includes:


  • Waveguides on board of Naval/Airborne units overhaul (e.g. cleaning and re-coating) or retrofit (re-make).
  • Rotary Joint equipping ground stations update (re-make with an increased number of channels).
  • Worn reflectorradomesantenna retrofit (re-make).
  • RF assemblies Maintenance (re-make to meet more challenging specifications).


The expertise of Gruppo Pasquali Research and Development and Engineering Team ensures the capability to define the best tailor-made solution for the existing systems to be retrofitted/overhauled, according to the new customer’s specifications. On-field survey embraces RF measurement capabilities (including Vectorial Network Analysis) and in-depth visual inspection (with a video endoscope).


The on-site installation of the Maintenance/update parts is guaranteed by expert and skilled technical teams which can be deployed anytime worldwide.